Sunday, 25 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Chicken Ala Carte
This video was shown to me by one of the Vietnamese brothers who live here (hence why the link is in Vietnamese), it is a short film which was made in Manila in 2006. I think it is worth a watch.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
This Year's Christmas Card
As many of you know Steph and I usually send out Christmas cards. This year unfortunately we won't be sending any cards, so please accept this picture and poem as our offering to you for Christmas 2011!
(Both were produced by Steph)
(Both were produced by Steph)
The gift of Christmas
As Christmas time approaches
And the cold, dark nights draw in
Curled up beside the flickering
Watching snowflakes begin to fall
In a swirling of frosty blue
And dazzling white
Comes the warm golden glow
Of the gift of Christmas
The warmth of a fire of burning
Of a comforting spirit of hope
Wonder and joyfulness
Warming hearts and souls
Cradled in a manger in a stable
Cradled in a heart full of love
Is the bright warm flame
Of the gift of Christmas
As Christmas time approaches
And the sun still beats down hard
Stretched out beneath the canopy
of shadows
Watching palm trees rustle and wave
In a haze of dreamy yellow
And fiery red
Comes the cool silver light
Of the gift of Christmas
The freshness of a breath of inspiring
Of an unsettling spirit of
Newness and vitality
Refreshing hearts and souls
Cradled in a manger in a stable
Cradled in a heart full of energy
Is the cool refreshing breeze
Of the gift of Christmas
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Misa de Gallo
Literally ‘Masses of the Cockerel’ or ‘Dawn Masses’. There is a tradition here in the Philippines that during the nine days leading up to Christmas mass is celebrated every morning at dawn.
So both yesterday and today we
have dragged ourselves from our beds and made our way to the church for a mass beginning
at 4.30am.
These masses are a form of
fasting. To attend them is to give up a usual activity in order to assert that
following the way of God is more important. For nine days those who attend sacrifice
a bit of sleep in order to make time to prayer more.
We are only two day in but the sense
of joy and positivity emanating from these masses has so far been worth a bit
of lost sleep.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
How valuable is human life? How valuable is my life?
Living here at DBTC these are two questions which I find
myself asking a lot.
Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and
humanism all preach the equality of every human being. Every person is of equal
and infinite value. According to these traditions the value of a human life cannot
be attached to a person’s level of productivity or usefulness. We have a value
greater than what we do. This is a tenet of belief in which most of us would
assent to believe.
But living here in the
Philippines the reality of inequality is powerfully evident to me every day. The
Philippines is a deeply unequal society. The richest 10% earn more than twenty
times more on average than the poorest 10%1. The rich live like
middle class Europeans or Americans whereas the poor live in slums without
running water and without access to decent education or health care. Virtually
every service here is privatised, state provided services are very sparse and
of a very low quality. If you have money then all is well, if you don’t then
life is very hard.
Already we have had a student
drop out of his studies because his grandmother became ill, the families
already stretched income couldn’t stretch far enough to pay for medicine, so he
left his training in order to work and be able to buy the necessary medicine. It
is possible that he will never get another chance to study.
Privatised health care means that
the poor are thrown into poverty by illness and the destitute are simply left
to die. Private education means that the wealthy get their children well
educated and into well paid jobs while the children of the poor are taught in
larger classes, and with fewer resources (sometimes without even paper and
pens), so all but a few are destined to end up in poorly paid jobs.
Many of our students have to work
in the evenings to earn money despite attending 11 hours of college every day. Lots
of them try to eat only once in the day so as to save money.
Being here has made me appreciate
the importance of public institutions like a good postal service, a good
library service, clean water and reliable transport networks. Universal access
to these things is a hallmark civilised society; in the Philippines they are
available only to the wealthy.
To live in a land where one life
is so obviously not of equal value to another is deeply unsettling. I don’t deceive
myself into believing I come from a land where things are any more civilised. The
globalisation of economics means that inequality is the responsibility of all
of us; be it visible outside our front door or thousands of miles away.
Words about equality are very
cheap! Sadly most of us live within the sphere of influence of an economic
worldview which acts to commodify everything and everyone into a unit of
production then hang a price tag on it. None of us are worth anymore than the
value of our function. In a world where everyone and everything has its prices
there are inevitably those not worth the spending money on to keep alive.
At the heart of all of this is a
sickness of which it is hard to make sense. Dwelling too long on these
questions forces me to question whether the world would really gives a damn about
saving my life had I been born in a slum in a poorer part of the world. Confronted
by the shocking negative answer to that question I become driven to try to earn the
privileges acquired by an accident of birth. But this striving in turn leads to
dead-ends; trying to earn our right to be considered valuable can only ever
lead to dehumanisation and all too often it leads to mental illness.
But what alternatives do we have?
Sunday, 4 December 2011
A Day in the life of a TVED Student
This video, which was created by Steph, tells the story of an average day for a Technical Trainee.
A New Reading Site – Part 2: Reading the Bible
from the thoughts I shared two weeks ago this week I want to expand on that theme a
little. Being aware of my own reading
site is of paramount importance when living in a very different culture
from my own.
One exercise I
have found fascinating during my time here is to attempt to deconstruct my own
reading of the bible. The bible is a very ancient text; it has continued to be
read through thousands of different cultural, political, economic and religious
worldviews. Through all of this history up to today people have found within
these texts meaning and inspiration, but crucially they have found this meaning
and inspiration in very different ways. Too often we assume that the truths we
find (or don’t find) in these texts are those which were intended by the
original authors and those understood by all peoples throughout the world and
throughout history. I all too easily assume that my interpretation is ‘The
One of the
challenges of reading the bible here is to try to put to one side what seems to
me to be the most obvious interpretation of the text and instead to try to see
it, as best I can, through the eyes of the people here. The reading site of the people here is, of
course, much closer to the reading site of the first Palestinian Christians who
actually wrote the New Testament. The Philippines is a country of vast
inequality, it is dominated by powerful neighbours, and it is a country of
visible religious fervour.
Take the
example of Matthew 23:14-30, the text to which we give the subheading ‘The
Parable of the Talents’1. This is a text which reads very
differently when read from the different perspectives of the rich world and the
poor world.
In the rich world
we understand this parable in completely non-economic terms; the master is a
benevolent God who demands that we make best use of our abilities. We with all
our wealth and opportunity look at the text from the perspective of the servant
given Ten Talents. This parable has influenced us so much that we have even come
to call our abilities ‘talents’. So most often preaching on this text in the rich world will be
about making the most of our abilities and not being like the bad servant with
one talent who wasted what God had given him. His punishment at the end of the
story is just desserts for his wasteful behaviour.
Try reading
this text from the perspective of the poor man of the story, the man given only
one Talent. This man, like many people here, maybe struggles to find enough
money to survive, this man’s opportunities are maybe very limited, each day this
man might run the risk of not being unable to feed his children. Such is the
world in which many people here in Cebu live.
From the
perspective of this man the actions of the master (in the parable) cannot be
those of a benevolent God, they are the actions of an unmerciful master, they
are the all too familiar actions of the rich and powerful over the daily lives
of many people here who are made to suffer merely for being poor. Thus the
parable is no longer a metaphor for the kingdom of God, but a symbolic
narrative of their real world where the already rich get richer and the already
poor are trodden on. The consequences handed out to the servant with one talent
at the end of the parable are not the actions of God but the callous reaction
of the rich towards those who are unable or unwilling to participate in the
economic world of the rich. Take for example the many people here who suffer
for lack of the medical resources which the richer world takes for granted, or
those who suffer from a lack of access to the education that the richer world
takes for granted, while at the same time the richer complain about (what they
call) high taxes. Those in poverty are all too often blamed for being poor.
One biblical
story, but two very different reading sites produce two very different
interpretations. Neither is necessarily right or of more value. The challenge
to all of us is not to believe that our own perspective is the only possible
I have borrowed, and adapted, the two reading perspectives of this text from
the ‘The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics’ by the American theologian ‘Ched
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
After two weeks of teaching the
first conclusion I can definitely report is that teaching is Hardwork!
Steph and I are teaching English
and Maths to the technical trainees. They spend most of their time learning
practical skills but also have lessons in English, Maths, Entrepreneurship,
Ethics, Theology and PE. This education
is alongside, daily mass, frequent prayers, practical chores and hobby time.
We are teaching all the English
and Maths, and also writing programmes for both subjects which will be used by
the teachers who follow us in years to come, not just here but also at the
other Salesian Training Centres across the Southern Philippines.
We have 220 students, the biggest
class is 37, the smallest is 23
Despite the tiring nature of the
work I am enjoying the challenge. Teaching the intelligent students is
relatively easy, it is the less able ones who present the challenge, but they
also provide the biggest reward. There is definitely a certain thrill in
helping an 18 year old to grasp simple addition.
This experience of being a
teacher is itself teaching me a lot about the virtue of patience, teaching
involves a continuous need to be patient. Understanding how concepts which I
find easy can be difficult for another person does not come naturally. The
temptation to get frustrated with their slowness to learn is an ever present.
This necessity, as a teacher, to try
to see the subject through the eyes of the student is, once the frustration has
past, a real gift.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Sunday, 20 November 2011
A New Reading Site – Part 1: Reading the Reality before my Senses
Whenever I
encounter a new experience or encounter a new reality my brain quickly goes
into overload trying to make sense of it. My brain does not sit easy in the
midst of experiential chaos; I like to make order out of chaos at least to the
satisfaction of own mind. I am pre-disposed towards finding conclusion to
situations quickly. This tendency is not a bad thing, intelligence is there to
be used, and yet at the same time it is an approach to new realities which is
full of risk. I have to continually remind myself of the arrogance of a
resident alien believing he can make logical sense of the Philippines within a
few weeks or months.
So I have been
getting very philosophical, thinking a lot about how I see the world, and how I
make sense of the world. Here is where I am up to!
Whenever we
encounter something new our pre-existing dispositions, ideas and prejudices
weigh heavily on how we see, interpret and understand any information we
receive. The way in which we make sense of the world depends very heavily on
the place from which we view the realities in front of us; all of us have a
particular location from which we read the world, our own personal ‘Reading Site’.
Take for
example a written text, a novel, a sacred script or a newspaper article. The
interpretation of this text often owes as much to the ‘reading site’ of the reader than it does to the intentions of the
author. Two people can read the same text and yet construct a very different
interpretation of it.
What goes for
written texts in this example applies also to wider experience, to the sights
we see with our eyes, to the discussions we have, to news media, to films, to
liturgy, to art, to magazines and to music.
I as a Western
European, so my first instinct is inevitably to make sense of The Philippines from
my Western European ‘reading site’. I
have to be aware that this affects what I notice, what strikes me as important,
what affects me emotionally, what makes sense and what doesn’t make sense. I have to remember that ‘Objective Truth’ is
always hidden behind a thick wall of ‘Subjective Truth’. As a human being I
cannot stand outside the reality I have brought with me. (Incidentally I am
very aware that these ideas about truth are in fact the result of my own very
post-modern reading site!)
To believe we
can read reality without a ‘Reading Site’ is to delude ourselves. However being
conscious of my inherent prejudices and assumptions can allow me to be on alert
to them. I can attempt to make judgements more slowly and listen to the world
around me much more carefully than I normally would. The challenge while living
here is not to make sense of the world here according to my own ideas and
prejudices, that is easy. The real challenge is to deconstruct, and become
aware of, my own ‘reading site’; and to attempt to understand how the ‘reading
site’ of the people who live here is different.
What does
reality look like for the very poorest people? Where are they seeing reality
clearer than I am? And at the same time, what are their prejudices and
pre-existing ideas that obscure their lenses?
What do I, as
a wealthy European, look like through the eyes of a Philippino child living on
the streets of Cebu? What do I, as a citizen of a seemingly secularising
nation, look like through the eyes of a devoutly Catholic Philippino? Who am I
from their reading site?
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Pacquiao v Marquez
This morning we experienced another cultural phenomenon. Philippinos are not just devoted to Catholicism, they are also devoted to Manny Pacquiao!
Manny Pacquiao is the reigning World Welterweight Champion, and considered by many experts to be the best pound for pound boxer in the world. To the Philippinos he is much more than that, he is their only world class sports star and probably second only to 'Imelda' as the most famous living Philippino. The man himself is an unusual boxer, in interviews he is quite humble and complimentary towards his opponent, he prays in the ring before he fights, and when he isn't boxing he is an elected congressman in the national parliament.
We were woken by the sound of the sports coverage being played on loudspeakers. This was a full five hours before the fight actually started. Most Philippinos can't afford the pay-per-view cost of seeing the fight in their home. So neighbourhoods will club together and split the cost. The fight was as much a social occasion as a sporting event. Early masses were packed with people who would normally go later, even the homily was about Pacquiao.
At 1.00pm everything in the Philippines stopped and they collective paid homage to their hero.
As it happened the fight was much closer than we had been lead to believe it would be. At the end most of our fellow watchers seemed to think that the Mexican Marquez had won, but not according to the judges. Pacquiao edged it on a split decision.
As you can imagine they are all very happy!
Friday, 11 November 2011
Praying for Peace
Here in the Philippines today is
a national day of prayer for peace. We, along with the whole school, stopped
lessons at 11.00am to pray the rosary for peace. It was not just a two minute
pause, everyone stopped for twenty minutes of prayer.
11th November has no
historical significance for the Philippines. The First World War was a very
European war fought a long way away. The Second World War was, of course, very
different. The Philippines lost 800’000 lives, of which 750’000 were civilians.
Today (11th November)
is not a day on which soldiers are honoured or remembered, it is simply a day
of marking the cost of war, of mourning, and of longing for peace.
This of course contrasts with the
UK. Over recent years (in the UK) the 11th November has drifted from
being a day on which we lament the cost of war and pray for peace towards being
a day on which we celebrate our military in a very partisan way. Wearing
Poppies has subtly become understood as supporting our soldiers at war rather than remembering all the victims
of war regardless of political allegiance. Unquestioning support of the
military is now main-stream, to criticise soldiers has become a form of heresy.
(If you take offense at me expressing this opinion then that illustrates
exactly my point)
All of this is nothing new, in
the 1930s there were significant numbers of First World War veterans who felt
that their experience, and the deaths of their comrades, were being used as a
justification for future uses of violence. These men rejected attempts to give
retro-active meaning to their (as they saw them) pointless military
experiences, or to the (as they saw it) pointless death of their fellow
soldiers, and spoke against a cheap military jingoism which was beginning to grow
amongst a younger generation who hadn’t experienced the horrors of the Somme or
Today’s time of prayer for peace
has been quite eye-opening. It has allowed me to see a different, perhaps more
life-giving, way of marking Remembrance Day.
A day to free ourselves from the partisanship of only mourning our own
dead; a day to rid ourselves of the immediate assumption that what is ‘us’ is
always righteous; a day to be very cautious in declaring any war worth the
price; a day to question ourselves as to the ways in which we can be builders
of peace; and above all a day to let the indescribable pain of war overwhelm us
and in the midst of this pain to allow ourselves to be inspired to change.
If you
could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie;
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie;
Dulce et
Decorum est Pro patria mori.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Intramurals (Sports Day) - Dance and Sports Competitions
Here are some highlights of the Dance Competition which was part of their Intramurals (Sports Days). Participation was compulsory for all students, some were more keen than others. Steph and I had to judge the Dances! If your interested, the woodwork students won.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Intramurals (Sports Day) - Opening Ceremony
This is the Opening Ceremony for the Vocational Training Centre's Sports Day (two days actually). No pressure London 2012 but if this is how they open school sports days here.......
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Celebrating the Dead
In British culture the idea of
celebrating death is very alien, our cemeteries tend to be places of quiet,
places where exuberant joy is considered inappropriate, a subdued manner is the
expectation. Here is the Philippines the culture is very different.
1st and 2nd
November are days which belong to the dead. Virtually everyone goes to the
cemeteries to visit their deceased relatives. During the days either side transport
networks are at their busiest with people travelling back and forth, to and
from their family homes and family places of burial.
The atmosphere in the cemeteries
is not of mournful lament and quiet weeping. 1st and 2nd
November are days of celebration. Families are reunited over the graves of
their common dead. The whole day is spent in the cemetery, prayers are shared, picnic
food is eaten, barbecues are lit, board games are played.
In the cemeteries of the better
off tents are set up over the graves sheltering the living from the sun. Fast-food
franchises set up temporary branches, vendors wander around selling flowers, candles,
balloons, ice-creams and even rubber skeletons. Children play ball games in the
The atmosphere in the poorer
cemeteries is much the same sense of festivity only there is less space. Above
ground concrete ossaries, sometimes two stories high, stack mortal remains four
or five people high. Families are squashed together trying to find the space to
decorate their family graves with paint, candles and flowers.
These two days are very special
days of festival but they are only the pinnacle of an ongoing devotion to the
dead that exists here. Daily prayers are prayed for, and asked of, those who
have died. A very immanent sense of relationship is maintained with those who
have died. Death is talked about freely, it is certainly not a subject that is feared
or hidden away from.
The experience of visiting the
cemeteries has been fascinating but also strangely disconcerting. My European mindset
shies away from focussing too much on the subject of death at times when it
doesn’t have to. Perhaps I maintain some less than fully conscious superstitions
about death which my mind prefers to leave hidden? Death is usually a subject I
prefer to keep away from normal life in a walled off space different from the
rest of life.
The practises here are both an
inspiring eye-opener and a deep challenge.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Hobbies Evening
I ought to acknowledge that many of these young people are far more gifted with performance talent than I am. This is particularly true of the artists, below are the finally results of their work.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Father Mac's Feeding Programme
Last week Steph and I went out with Fr. Mac to help with his feeding programme. He and a team of young volunteers visit the very poorest parts of Cebu to give out food on the streets.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
They Pray a lot here
Steph and I have been living here at DBTC for two weeks. In some ways it feels like much longer yet at the same time it feels like we've only begun to scratch the surface of what goes on here.
Four institutions inhabit the same campus here, they each have a different timetable and different routines. One thing which is common to all four is the emphasis on prayer.
Every morning the vocational students begin the day with a 6.30am mass, later on they have prayer during a morning assembly, the working day ends with more prayers at another assembly and every evening the students who board pray the rosary while walking up and down the playground.
The High school and Primary school students also begin each day with prayer. During October they are praying the rosary together everyday at 7.15am . Every week each year group shares a mass and every week the pupils have the opportunity to go to confession.
None of this religious practise seems forced. Of course there are pupils told off for being stupid during prayers but I've also seen groups of pupils holding their own times of prayer or praying individually beside a statue of Mary. Before a football match starts the players of both sides will pray together on the pitch, before every lesson the class will pray a short prayer together.
We have no way of knowing yet whether this is typical of the Philippines or happens just in Salesian schools. However I think it is fair to say that religion is a lot more practised and a lot more visible in the Philippines that it is in Europe. The local parish 'Our Lady of Lourdes' is said to have a Sunday mass attendance of about 20'000 worshippers. Religious inscriptions appear everywhere on houses, shops, cars and buses. The people here will speak of God much more readily than we do in Europe, God is thanked regularly and invoked easily.
What does all this say about the Philippines, it is far too early for us to make any judgements. Is all this prayer a sign of deep spirituality or a fake veneer of cultural religion? We cannot say. This is culture very distance from our western separation of private and public life with religion very much kept in the private sphere.
Four institutions inhabit the same campus here, they each have a different timetable and different routines. One thing which is common to all four is the emphasis on prayer.
Every morning the vocational students begin the day with a 6.30am mass, later on they have prayer during a morning assembly, the working day ends with more prayers at another assembly and every evening the students who board pray the rosary while walking up and down the playground.
The High school and Primary school students also begin each day with prayer. During October they are praying the rosary together everyday at 7.15am . Every week each year group shares a mass and every week the pupils have the opportunity to go to confession.
None of this religious practise seems forced. Of course there are pupils told off for being stupid during prayers but I've also seen groups of pupils holding their own times of prayer or praying individually beside a statue of Mary. Before a football match starts the players of both sides will pray together on the pitch, before every lesson the class will pray a short prayer together.
We have no way of knowing yet whether this is typical of the Philippines or happens just in Salesian schools. However I think it is fair to say that religion is a lot more practised and a lot more visible in the Philippines that it is in Europe. The local parish 'Our Lady of Lourdes' is said to have a Sunday mass attendance of about 20'000 worshippers. Religious inscriptions appear everywhere on houses, shops, cars and buses. The people here will speak of God much more readily than we do in Europe, God is thanked regularly and invoked easily.
What does all this say about the Philippines, it is far too early for us to make any judgements. Is all this prayer a sign of deep spirituality or a fake veneer of cultural religion? We cannot say. This is culture very distance from our western separation of private and public life with religion very much kept in the private sphere.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Induction of the New Vocational Trainees: Friday 15th Oct
.......and here is what the trainees were preparing for.
(See my previous Blog entry if you don't understand)
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Induction of the New Vocational Trainees: Thursday 13th Oct
The day after Super-Hero day and the hoop game the vocational trainees were hard at work preparing for another challenge on Friday.
we've been here at DBTC for just over a week now and we've finally gotten round to finding out the Postal Address.
Matthew and Stephanie Neville,
Salesian Residence,
Don Bosco Technology Centre,
PO Box 271,
6000 Cebu City,
The Philippines.
All post is most welcome!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Induction of the New Vocational Trainees: Wednesday 12th Oct - Part 2
here is the second part of the video
Monday, 17 October 2011
Induction of the New Vocational Trainees: Wednesday 12th Oct - Part 1
While we are here in the Philippines our main role is going to be teaching English and Maths to the vocational trainees who are taking course on Mechanic, Carpentry, Electrics and handyman skills. However before the courses start all the students have the attend a three week induction process.
This video and another which will appear shortly are of what they were doing on Wednesday last week.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Moving to DBTC
On Tuesday of this week Steph and I left the Salesian Provincial House and moved to
the Don Dosco Technology Centre (DBTC). This is where we will be living and
working for the rest of our stay here in Cebu.
The Technology Centre is comprised of four part.
An Elementary (read Primary) School,
A High School,
A College – running higher level courses for over 16s
A Vocational Training Centre – running skills based course for over 16s
Most of the students live in the local area and come daily but there
are about 65 boarders who come from the villages and town in more remote parts
of Cebu Island.
Our principal work will be helping the Vocational Training Centre
Students with their English and Maths Lessons.
For the moment we are just settling in so there isn't too much to say, here are some photos which show you what the place looks like.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
A City of Contrasts
A city of contrasts. A city of differences
Shanty towns stand alongside homes of a far better standard than those in which most western Europeans live. Air-conditioned shopping malls filled with famous international shopping chains stand next to, and tower over, rustic local markets where food is sold off tarpaulins stretched on the ground. Plush, spotless branches of McDonalds, Starbucks and KFC can be found in the most unlikely places, nearby vendors can be found selling hot meat fresh cut from a whole pig roasting on the side of the road.
To walk the streets in some area is to pass kareoke bars a plenty, sometimes more food stalls than there seem to be people and to occasionally come close to tripping over a live chicken tethered to the curb by it's foot, or a small child who is surely too young to be playing so close to a road. Then all of a sudden there appears a smart looking restaurant with a polite security guard on the door beckoning you inside. Dusty streets filled with potholes merge quickly into well maintained grass-verged roads and then are followed once again by glorified dirt tracks.
On the roads top range black windowed people carriers compete with cars glad that there is no one checking MOTs. Motorcycle taxis laden down with six or seven people struggle to get up speed while dodging the potholes. A cacophony of beeping is a constant soundtrack, not as a form of aggression but used as they are intended, as a way of saying "I am here".
Cebu is a not a city which gives itself to quick judgements, there is too much diversity and too many extremes to allow any quickly made judgement to stand for long.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
A Change of Plan
Before we arrived in Cebu we were expecting to be working in a home for Boys, not actually in Cebu itself but in a small town outside the city called Liloan.
Yesterday morning Brother Carlo who is responsible for all the volunteers told us that we weren't going to be able to live and work in the Boys' Home. This is for a variety of reasons.
Instead we are going to a different Salesian centre called the 'Don Bosco Technology Centre'. On the site are a Primary School, Secondary School and a Vocational Training Centre. A handful of students live onsite but the vast majority live in the local area. Nearby there is a parish church which is run by the Salesians, in the parish buildings there is a youth centre, an education centre to supplement the local schools and give the children somewhere to do homework, and there is a feeding centre which serves food to children from 0-6 who otherwise might not be given adequate food.
So it looks like there will be plenty of possibilities for work we might do.
Given time to make the necessary mental adjustments I think the new project has a lot of potential. We will most likely move there on Monday.
Yesterday morning Brother Carlo who is responsible for all the volunteers told us that we weren't going to be able to live and work in the Boys' Home. This is for a variety of reasons.
Instead we are going to a different Salesian centre called the 'Don Bosco Technology Centre'. On the site are a Primary School, Secondary School and a Vocational Training Centre. A handful of students live onsite but the vast majority live in the local area. Nearby there is a parish church which is run by the Salesians, in the parish buildings there is a youth centre, an education centre to supplement the local schools and give the children somewhere to do homework, and there is a feeding centre which serves food to children from 0-6 who otherwise might not be given adequate food.
So it looks like there will be plenty of possibilities for work we might do.
Given time to make the necessary mental adjustments I think the new project has a lot of potential. We will most likely move there on Monday.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Arrived Safely!
Steph and I have arrived safely in Cebu.
Our fatigue and our disorientation has been somewhat allayed by having met some good people and having been given a really warm welcome. For the next few days we will be staying in relative comfort at the Provincial house of the Salesian Community in Cebu. In a few days time, after we have recovered from the journey we will move to the Childrens' home where we will be working.
At the moment the excitement of a new beginning is very much mixed together with the nervousness and anxiety associated with all new starts. There is a lot of learn, a lots to reflect on and a lot to experience.
For the moment it is time to rest and recover.
For the moment it is time to rest and recover.
Monday, 26 September 2011
What will I be doing in the Philippines?
In just over a week from now Steph and I will be on
a plane flying towards The Philippines. Assuming all goes to plan we are going
to be living in the Philippines for the next few months, we will be living and
working in a home for boys just outside Cebu City (if you don’t know where Cebu
City is then google it!). What we will be doing exactly we are still waiting to
find out but there are around 125 boys in the home so I expect there will be
plenty to do.
The Boys’ home where we will be working, which is
imaginatively called ‘Boys’ Home’, is run by a community of Salesians. The
Salesians are a community of religious brothers and sisters which has members
living all over the world. The work of the Salesian community is caring for and
educating children and young people normally the most disadvantaged of the areas
where they work.
The Salesian way of working embraces a holistic and
christian approach to education. Formal education takes place in an environment
of Prayer, Play and Care. A Salesian teacher would typically give as much
importance to being with the children on the playground and the chapel as he
would to being with them in the classroom. The Salesians put a great emphasis
on the importance of being present alongside young people, loving what the
young love. Just being present and willing to spend time with the young is
already to value and affirm them.
Steph and I will soon be trying to live out this
theory in reality......
Friday, 9 September 2011
James and Steph Bake a Cake
The job of a two-year-old is to remind us of how exciting the simple things in life can be!
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
The Video above shows Mr Donald Kukio. He works for the Women's Multi-Purpose Co-operative based in Baguio, The Philippines. He makes Nativity Figures from waste newspaper and wood. Steph and I interviewed him in February 2011 when we visited The Philippines in our capacity as directors of Fairground. Fairgrounds is a Bradford based company which imports fair-trade products from several developing world countries. You can find out more about Fairground and buy a set of Nativity figures at
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